BASARAN CR Content Co-Creation Partner Wanted

We are recruiting freelancers ( including those who have multiple jobs, take working holidays in Japan, or participate as a corporation) to co-create social media content and advertising content for companies, as well as to promote services and products together. If you are interested, please register by answering the questionnaire on each page below.

Now Recruiting Content Co-Creation Partner

*Currently, we have only the following job openings, but we plan to recruit content co-creation partners from a wider range of genres in the future.

Native-Translator or Proofreader

We are looking for someone who can translate social media posts or web articles into English, Korean, or either simplified or traditional Chinese, or proofread articles translated by others. Applicants must be native speakers of the aforementioned languages or have lived in a country where the aforementioned languages are the native language for at least five years.

Details and registration here